Thai Airways Boosts Efficiency and Quality with Renewed Traxon cargoHUB Contract

Published: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Thai Airways has renewed its contract with CHAMP’s Traxon cargoHUB in a bid to continue streamlining its processes and support operational growth. 

The airline said Traxon cargoHUB aligns with its high standards of service and enables improved supply chain quality and completeness whilst remaining up to date with the latest industry requirements. 

Thai Airways benefits from being part of the largest air cargo community, with digital access to more than 4,000 freight forwarders and stakeholders throughout the supply chain, via a single system regardless of data format or protocol. 

“With CHAMP’s solutions supporting us, we can offer an effective, efficient and reliable data exchange,” said Mr. Chirachet Chanawiset, commercial head of cargo and mail at Thai Airways. 

“As we continue our partnership, we look forward to seeing more of these benefits in our daily operations as the company continues to grow and evolve.”