Jettainer unveils new logo
Jettainer, the leading international service partner for outsourced ULD management, presented its new claim at the IATA World Cargo Symposium. Starting from now, the company name will be followed by the additional phrasing ‘Smart • ULD • Pooling • People’. With this, Jettainer emphasizes that the Unit Load Devices (ULDs) themselves as well as their global management (pooling) through smart and intelligent solutions are visionary. The employees are also an integral part of the claim, because despite all digital means, they represent the company’s most important resource.
Currently, especially the ULDs themselves are fitted with an increasing amount of digital technology in order to transmit a constant stream of information regarding their position, status or even temperature. Jettainer closely cooperates with Lufthansa Industry Solutions on the development of these smart ULDs. The improvement of the management software as well as its usability on a wide range of mobile devices have helped to make the processes faster and more efficient. The IT systems also profit from the additional data of the smart ULDs, since they use it to learn how management or maintenance processes can be further improved.
“Increases in efficiency in ULD management are the best arguments for our clients. That’s why we have invested in new technologies early on and consequently developed them. We aim to mirror these developments in our new claim, which emphasizes that we combine smart technology with the know-how of our experienced employees,” said Martin Kraemer, Head of Marketing & PR at Jettainer, at the unveiling of the new claims in Abu Dhabi.