Cathay Pacific Cargo organizes freight forwarder workshop in Mumbai

Published: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cathay Pacific Cargo recently conducted its first ever workshop for the freight forwarders in Mumbai. This workshop was held to update the trade on the recent developments within the airline, especially those pertaining to the freighter forwarders in Mumbai.

The event saw active participation from over 40 freight forwarders. The half-day session covered a range of topics that included Cathay Pacific Cargo’s operations from India, the network, products & services, e-services etc. along with interactive sessions that comprised of fun games and a quiz.

Anand Yedery, Regional Cargo Manager-South Asia, Middle East & Africa, said, “Our workshops are designed to provide a mix of learning and fun. They give us an opportunity to engage with our partners in a more relaxed atmosphere and at the same time update them on the various developments within our airline.