Brussels Airport focuses on further strengthening its position as a hub, sustainability and diversification with SHIFT 2027
BRUSSELS, Belgium—After two difficult crisis years, Brussels Airport is starting a new chapter with a new strategy for the coming five years, focusing on clear priorities and addressing the
challenges of today.
With SHIFT 2027, and the tag line “Wider horizons, sustainable ambitions”, Brussels Airport Company wants to further strengthen its position as a major European hub, ambitiously focus on sustainability and diversify its activities, with a clear commitment to innovation and partnership.
Due to the Covid crisis, aviation has already been through two turbulent years. The recovery of passenger traffic takes time, and business travel in particular has declined, while the demand for air cargo is higher than ever. These evolutions, in a context where climate challenges are significant and sustainable aviation is more important than ever for Brussels Airport, formed the basis for developing the new strategy.
“With this new strategy for Brussels Airport, we are ready for the challenges of the future. Connecting people, businesses and communities remains central in our vision and offering the best possible service as a hub is at the heart of everything we do. But everything we do will be done with an even stronger focus on sustainability. That will be further embedded in our DNA and in this field, we want to be a pioneer in our sector. In addition, we are looking at new opportunities and partnerships that fit with our core business, with a focus on innovative solutions and new technologies. In this way, we want to further strengthen the socio-economic and connecting role that we have as an economic centre and employment engine,” said Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company.