Turkish Cargo Meets Up with UTIKAD and its Members in Istanbul

Published: Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Turkish Cargo met up with UTIKAD (Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers) and its members at its cargo facilities in Istanbul.

This workshop was attended by Mr. Emre Eldener, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UTIKAD, Mr. Turgut Erkeskin, Vice Chairman of the board of Directors, Mr. Mehmet Özal, Head of Airline Working Group, Mr. İbrahim Dölen, Mr. Serkan Eren and Mr. Rıdvan Haliloğlu, Members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Cavit Uğur, General Manager of UTIKAD, and representatives of the airline cargo agencies member to UTIKAD, as well as Mr. Turhan Özen, Chief Cargo Officer, Mr. Şeref Kazancı, SVP, Cargo, Mr. Halit Anlatan, Assistant SVP, Cargo (Marketing & Sales), Mr. Serdar Demir, Assistant SVP, Cargo (Operations) and the executives of the concerned units for and on behalf of Turkish Cargo.

At the workshop addressing comprehensive cooperation and issues regarding the new processes reciprocally, Mr. Turhan Özen, Chief Cargo Officer, delivered the keynote speech.

Özen said, “The primary purpose of this workshop is to make sure that the service, we provide under the brand of Turkish Cargo, is developed on continuous basis and attains a better level. Any and all services, we will provide to our end customers, importers, exporters and all other actors with miscellaneous sizes in economy as Turkish Cargo, have the same level of importance for us as they have for you. We can succeed only to the extent we understand you and your customers internally and guide ourselves in line with such understanding, and we can make this success to the global arena. For this reason, we consider this workshop as highly important for us, as well.”

Mr. Emre Eldener, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UTIKAD, delivered the keynote speech for and on behalf of UTIKAD. Eldener said: “We initiated the preparatory works for this workshop in March when we gathered with the members of UTIKAD airline working group, air-cargo managers of agencies and our staff members serving at the airports. We communicated the topics, arising in consequence of these preparatory works, to the officials of Turkish Cargo, and we sometimes came together to hold meetings. We witnessed the proactive and solution-oriented approach as adopted by Turkish Cargo.” Conveying his thanks to Mr. Turhan Özen and his team, Mr. Eldener concluded his words stating that they were ready as UTIKAD to cooperate with Turkish Cargo at all times.

Following the presentation given by Mr. Halit Anlatan, Assistant SVP, Cargo (Marketing & Sales), on the development locations of Turkish Cargo at air-cargo market, as well as the current fleet and network structure, the regions to be focused in near future, the new aircraft to be incorporated in the fleet and the capacity to be attained thereafter, the workshop continued with a panel organized under the moderator of Mr. Ahmet Kaya, Cargo Operations Control Manager. During such panel, we addressed our solution recommendations on the common agenda items, communicated previously to Turkish Cargo by UTIKAD, as well as the new developments regarding the processes.

Following completion of the panel, Mr. Seyfullah Topal, the Customs Manager at Turkish Cargo, took the floor to deliver a presentation on the airline transport customs matters and to provide information on the respective agenda items. Holding the floor after Mr. Topal, Mr. Adnan Karaismailoglu, Operational Development Manager at Turkish Cargo, shared the latest updates on the current facility and infrastructure works, carried out for the new airport by Turkish Cargo, and completed his presentation upon the mutual talks on what is expected from our business partners and Turkish Cargo in the upcoming years and what can be done collectively.

The decisions, adopted at the workshop held jointly by UTIKAD and Turkish Cargo, will be shared with the concerned parties in the next days as ‘Final Workshop Declaration’. Upon completion of the efficient workshop, the participants got the opportunity to see the operations of Turkish Cargo closely, and to make a facility trip.