Flynas to expand its fleet with new airplanes

Published: Friday, February 12, 2016

Saudi Arabia’s low-cost carrier Flynas is talking with Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier about a

potential order for 100 new aircraft, after the carrier posted a profit in 2015 for the first time in its


The airline is considering 60 new planes in the next five years with an option for 40 more,

Flynas chief executive Paul Byrne said in an interview in Bahrain that it is considering the Airbus

A320 Neos, Boeing 737 Maxs and Bombardier CS300 aircraft and expects to decide on the

order this year.

“We’re talking with Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier about purchasing or leasing depending on

which is the best deal for us,” Byrne said. “If we were to change from Airbus to Boeing or

Bombardier, that will be a big move for us but it is not as dramatic as it sounds.”

The leases on Flynas’ 26 aircraft will end within six years and it will require additional aircraft for

replacement and growth. On top of that, it will need more aircraft to cope with demand for

pilgrimages to the country’s holy sites, increasing frequencies to some destinations and catering

to Saudi’s large domestic travel market,” he said.