Carbs, TV Dramas, and the UK Countryside for this ECS Group regional VP

Published: Monday, August 19, 2024

Meet Noor Azizah, the dynamic Regional VP for Asia Pacific (excluding China) at ECS Group.

Her journey in the aviation industry began in a rather charming and unconventional way. Fresh out of school, with a youthful sparkle and a thirst for adventure, Azizah landed her first job at Cargolux.

Initially, she felt like a fish out of water in the cargo world, especially since it wasn’t the typical choice for young professionals.

But as time went on, what started as a leap of faith turned into a love affair with the industry.

From the old-school days of manual operations—pens, paper, telexes, and faxes—to the fast-paced logistics realm of today,

Azizah has witnessed and contributed to an incredible evolution.

“It’s a bit like going from a vintage romance to a high-tech love story. My journey is a testament to embracing the unexpected and finding passion in the most unlikely places,” Azizah shares.

Like any aviation professional, the path wasn’t always smooth for Azizah.

“Using my experience and expertise, I dove into new challenges headfirst, successfully expanding and establishing offices in Southeast Asia with my previous airline company. One of the biggest challenges I faced was a major restructuring and reorganization. It was a demanding and complex task that took a lot of time and effort, but it ultimately led to significant growth and improvement within the company,” she said.

Maintaining a work-life balance can often feel like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle.

So how does Azizah manage it?

With a cool demeanor and a knack for letting go of stress, she makes work-life balance look effortless.

“Some people say I’m naturally cool, and I like to think they’re right! I’m the kind of person who believes in forgiving and forgetting, which I guess makes me stronger. Work-life balance just comes naturally to me.

“Stress and tension at work are all part of the job, but I see them as challenges to be handled professionally. That way, they don’t mix with my personal time, keeping my life fun and relaxed,” said Azizah.

In her free time, especially on weekends, Azizah loves watching romantic dramas from Hollywood, Malay, Korean, and Thai genres.

“I can easily spend the whole day binge-watching and trying to finish as many episodes as possible! It’s my favorite way to relax and unwind.”

Her taste buds have a passion for carbs—pasta, pizza, rice, noodles—you name it.

She doesn’t limit herself to a single cuisine but loves exploring different flavors.

As for travel, the UK has captured her heart. “My next UK trip will be spending more time in the countryside, surrounded by natural beauty and fresh air! I look forward to relaxing there. (Cornwall, Yorkshire, Kent, Scotland),” she said.

Azizah’s role model is someone who embodies resilience, dedication, and passion for their work in the aviation industry.

“I’ve been lucky to learn from both first and second-generation experts. Their commitment and hard work, especially during the early days of manual operations, have been truly inspiring. These folks showed me that with perseverance and a love for what you do, you can achieve great things and make a real impact. It’s like having a front-row seat to an inspiring journey where passion meets purpose,” said Azizah.

To the younger generation in air cargo and logistics, Azizah offers sage advice: “Embrace every challenge and the excitement this field brings. It’s a world that’s always changing, and there’s so much to discover and contribute. Stay adaptable, keep your curiosity alive, and never stop learning. Every small effort you make adds up to something big. Find mentors who can guide you, soak up their wisdom, and always aim for excellence. Your dedication and passion are the keys to shaping the future of this industry.”